Saturday, May 31, 2014

Stay With Me

Page 64

Its been such a hell week. Tests, Practicals, Presentations, and a 1500-word literature review all done. Phew. Handled each obstacle one step at a time haha. So glad the weekends are here. :')

Just got back from a visiting my cousin at NUH. She just delivered a baby boy. :') I'm officially an uncle!

Shoo cute. He has chinese features cause my cousin-in-law has some chinese blood. Imagine if I married a chinese angmoh? Fuhh my babies will be wonderfully mixed. *-* Haha.

Lately I've been listening to a lot of Sam Smith. And I'm relating so much to his music. His soothing voice makes me feel a certain kind of way. Right now I just feel so lonely. Sometimes I close my eyes and picture someone. Someone blurred.. by my side. Talking to me. Laughing with me. Giving me hugs. Making me feel happy. Like nothing else matters. And then I open my eyes and I'm back to facing reality.

Will I ever love again? Will I ever find someone that will stay?.. I don't know.. Only time will tell.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Sam Smith - Stay With Me

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand
But I still need love cause I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look, gain some self control
And deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Glitter In The Air

Page 63

I don't get some people. Putting in the effort to talk to me, getting to know me, complimenting me, and then suddenly, they just stop. I don't get it. Why? Why do you give me such false hope? I keep building it up just to watch it crashing down again. It sucks. It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me. You were the perfect match for me & I really liked you. But I guess I should've known better.

I'm so disappointed. I'm so done with this shit.

</3, Eran.

Enough is enough, I'm so sick of love.

Current Song Mood: Glee - Glitter In The Air (Pink Cover)

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trust it, just trust it?
Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said "I just don't care"?

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning and the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently, you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss, and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

La la la la
La la la la

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight?

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Page 62 (Chapter 4)

I've been waiting for this day for quite a while. The day that I finally get to release music in the form of a body of work, which is a Mixtape. I've been planning it for a while, and you can read the notes I've written for it in the description box. Anyways, I just want to use this space to appreciate everything that has happened so far in my life. I never have thought that I'd be able to do this, and I am ever so grateful. I mean, really? A year ago I didn't even have a laptop, or a mic, and I was using a low-quality Samsung phone to record my covers. Now things are so much different.. I'm ready to take the opportunity to learn, experience & grow more as a student of life =)

Its been a really great experience.. I've learnt quite a bit about my voice. & it was also really therapeutic to be singing about everything that has happened in the past year. I felt like I had a lot to say but I just couldn't speak about it. Recording music is like telling my story through songs & I just enjoy doing it. There is so much more to life. Find something that you are passionate about. It makes life so much better. =)

Love, Eran.

18… I will never forget this age.

Current Song Mood: LovEran Mixtape

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dim The Lights

Page 61

Hallooo. Its been quite a week.

Soo, I just came back from a family gathering at my grandma's house. Really enjoyed catching up with some of my cousins =) Haha and the food was mmdapz. When we were all about to go home, a really HUGE (And I mean it!!) grasshopper flew in through the front door. Hahaha. We scattered all over the place, and one of my cousins fell and had a blue black injury with a bit of blood coming out. Damn! Lucky my uncle chased after it and caught it lol.. He then threw it outside. My cousin was in pain and I swear I blanked out. We applied ice and suddenly everyone looked at me and asked me what to do. Lol I couldn't even respond… I felt so bad because I didn't help much. Thankfully my cousin's a strong fighter and got back on her feet fast.

How to survive my attachment in A&E??? HOWWWWWWW T_T 
Gonna feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Hais ._. Nothing interesting really happened this week. Except interviewing the future batch of EXCOs on Wednesday =) It was a cool experience cause a year ago I was in their shoes. I hope joining this society changes their lives like it changed mine. Cant wait to work with them!

In other news, ummm. Tomorrow will be a special day for me =) Watch this space!

Love, Eran.

I still feel like an idiot. Pretty sure it runs in the blood. Fml.

Current Song Mood: Creep Ft Sia - Dim The Lights

You lick your wounds again
You play the victim
You milk the misery
You draw me in

And you will take your sweet time
You'll wreak havoc with my life
Shake your chains and thunder sky
Part of life's delight

So dim the lights
The shadows hide
But i forgot
to dim the lights
dim the lights

Tectonic plates may shift
I see it as a gift
We love,our life is left
Take your prays again

You will take your sweet time
You'll wreak havoc with my life
Shake your chains and thunder sky
Part of life's delight

Dim the lights
The shadows hide
I forgot
To dim the lights
Dim the lights

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Page 60

A lot of interesting things happened this week that I can only summarise :D

On Tuesday I went for a jog with my Kukubandungs + Yx after school. HAHA I LOVEEEE THEM LA ._. Jogged 6 rounds only because I couldn't take it. (Haven't jogged for almost a month okay).  While waiting for the bus, Gaya wanted to apply this deodorant spray thingy on me, which was nice of her. But then she sprayed all over my neck and shirt, which had like a white stain which was sticky and couldn't be removed easily LOL!!. Damn burden. ._. & in the bus I couldn't stop laughing at their bimboness. Hahaha I just loveeee you guys <3

Did my first blood donation in school on Wednesday! Haha. Went with my classmates: Syah, Ida & Harini. Though Ida & Harini couldn't do continue as they had low bp and hb respectively. I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I also got a bit uncomfortable because the questions they asked before the procedure were REALLY REALLYYYY personal. Haha. First they pricked my finger to get my hb count. Then I proceeded to sit at the chairs to wait for the nurses. Opposite me was Syah who had already started the procedure. Haha so funny she kept on smirking at me because I made cramped faces when the nurses inserted the needle in my arm. I felt a little pain but then nothing. I also felt the warmth of my blood as it left my body. It was a really interesting experience. =)

On Friday after school, I went to Logi Room to hang out with Gf, Lily, Prem & Yx. We were SO crazy, Karaoke-ing as loud as we could in the middle of the hallway. Hahaha. The rap songs were hilarious because we couldn't say the words fast enough & there were a lot of swears!! HAHA. Then I  went to the Railway place after school with Gf and Yx. It was my first time there and I didn't know it was so near our school! I've always thought of going there to do a photoshoot hehe. But too bad it was really dark when we arrived. We sat down, and had heart-to-heart conversations. I'm glad that we were so honest with each other & I love them even more now :*

1 2 3 1 2 3 Drink

I kinda got hate on Youtube from my Chandelier cover lol. But I find it ironic because its my most played cover on Youtube and most downloaded on my Soundcloud ._. Oh wells. I promise my mix tape will be better! I just want to be at my personal best.

Today I went to town to recce stuff for our DnD event. Waited for Tomei for like an HOUR just because we couldn't get any taxi lol. Had to keep the rest waiting :x Anyway we finally got a taxi and met up with the rest of the gang. Liyana's bro came by with the car and we all cramped inside like a bunch of clowns LOL. I had to sit on Yx ._. Sorry ahh.

So we first went to this place called Wheeler's Yard which looked cool but didn't have the requirements we wanted. We then had a little photoshoot behind the place.

Don't mind the face. It was damn hot okay ._.

Then we went to ParkRoyal Hotel which was SOOOO GRAND AND NICE SIA. It was really impressive, from the size, to the toilet, to the comfortable chairs all around. And its designs looked like a freaking cave. Loveeed it. Next hotel was Carlton Hotel. I was REALLY excited to visit this one because coincidently it was the same hotel that I went to meet my Australian friend, Heidi, back in February! :D Hehe. It felt good going around the hotel and reminiscing those happy moments. It was the best hotel by far!

We were so cray <3

We went to a couple more hotels, window-shopped, & ate a lot. Had lunch at Qiji & dinner at I Am Cafe! I really liked I Am Cafe because the workers were rather fun lol. We were snapping pics & they photobombed us xD Oh & Tomei ordered a drink called 'Virgin.. something something'. Hahaha it was hilarious because we were teasing about drinking her virginity. Lmao! Damn funny. We ended the day with dessert & then went back home.

Its been a while since I got to go out & just enjoyed myself. Really needed to de-stress myself from school. Well its been a long day and I can't wait to hit my bed!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUMMY! Fill your life with positivity :) Goodnight!

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Glee - Wings

Mamma told me not to waste my life
She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And if they give you shhhh..
Then they can walk on by

My feet, feet can't touch the ground
And I can't hear a sound
But you just keep on running up your mouth yeah

Walk, walk on over there
Cos I'm too fly to care, oh yeah
Your words don't mean a thing
I'm not listening
Keep talking, all I know is

Mamma told me not to waste my life
She said spread your wings my little butterfly
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you
Coz wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly

Huh huh...
I'm firing up on that runway
I know we're gonna get their someday
But we don't need no ready steady go, no
Talk, talk turns into air
And I don't even care, oh yeah

Your words don't mean a thing
I'm not listening
Keep walking, all I know is

Mamma told me not to waste my life
She said spread your wings my little butterfly
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you
Coz wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly

I don't need no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't hear no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
You better keep on walking
I don't wanna hear your talking boy
You better keep on walking
I don't wanna hear your talking boy

Your words don't mean a thing
I'm not listening
Keep walking, all I know is

Mamma told me not to waste my life
She said spread your wings my little butterfly
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you
Coz wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Page 59

Hellooo. Just finished one hell of a week lol. Full of frustrations yet there were moments that made me really happy. Hehe. School's just crazy. 2 tests next week and I haven't learn any shit yet. Oh wells.

It's kinda come to my attention that some people that I wanted to get to close to aren't what they seem. Talk big only but no actions done. Making false promises. Making me look like a big f-cking joke. Which kinda makes me wonder if these kind of people can be considered as a friend at all. Kinda tired of bullshit & drama so yeah, just gonna avoid all the negativity that will just make me feel bad about myself. I'm not gonna waste time acting nice in front of people who don't deserve it, & I'm not gonna let people step over my head & talk behind my back. So if you see or feel me distancing myself from you, then you know why lol.

Cause now I got one less problem without you.
Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Ariana Grande - Problem

Hey baby, even though I hate ya
I wanna love ya
I want you
And even though I can't forgive ya
I really want to
I want you
Tell me, tell me baby
Why did you leave me
Cause even though I shouldn't want it
I gotta have it
I want you

Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
And realize that I've got
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem

I know you're never gonna wake up
I gotta give up
But it's you
Know I shouldn't never call back
Or let you come back
But it's you
Every time you touch me
And say you love me
I get a little bit breathless
I shouldn't want it
But it's you

Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
And realize that I've got
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem

[Iggy Azalea]
It's Iggy Iggz
What you got?

Smart money bettin' I'll be better off without you
In no time I'll be forgettin' all about you
You sayin' that you know
But I really really doubt you
Understand my life is easy
When I ain't around you

Iggy Iggy
Too biggie to be here stressing'
I'm thinkin' I love the thought of you
More than I love your presence
And the best thing now
Is prolly for you to exit
I let you go
Let you back
I finally learned my lesson
No half-stepping
Either you want it or you just playin'
I'm listening to you knowing
I can't believe what you're sayin'
There's a million you's baby boo
So don't be dumb
I got 99 problems
But you won't be one
Like What

One less, one less problem
One less, one less problem

Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
And realize that I've got
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem