Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Page 547


Is all I need.

I realized, I've been chasing after the wrong things.

I don't know if there's still time to turn back.

But after our conversation tonight, I felt so damn guilty.

That I'm not that boy I used to be.


I'm so glad to have met you.

A beautiful soul like you.

Made me realised, what kind of person I really am.

Makes me... want to change so badly.

Few people can do that.

You did.


I hope to meet you in person some day.

I have a very good feeling about you.

I'm holding onto this feeling.

Please wait for me.



Love, Eran.

I saved this special song for you.
Current Song Mood: Lacey Sturm - Faith

Laughter tickles my tongue
A breathless chase has begun
I'm gonna let you in
Catch me I'm falling in love
Oh what have I done?

Love how you gamble your pride
Amazed how strong you are
You risk looking in my eyes
And let me melt your heart

Will you always
Chase me like this?
Will time and space
Leave when we kiss?

Curses burning my tongue
I'm wondering if you're enough
I promised forever
Am I a liar?
Love oh what have I done?

Love how you gamble your pride
Amazed how strong you are
You risk looking in my eyes
And let me break your heart

Will you always
Chase me like this?
Will time and space
Leave when we kiss goodbye?

I was divided
My heart was so confused
My heart's a liar
And I used to know the truth
I have decided
I'm gonna follow through
I'm wanna gamble and fall in love with you

I hear your heartbeat
You're singing to me

Will you always
Chase me like this?
Will time and space
Leave when we kiss?

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