Sunday, August 28, 2016

In Here Somewhere

Page 603

I wanna dedicate a post.

To Mr Khairul Ikhwan.

A senior of mine who just passed away from Stage 4 Cancer.

He battled it for the longest time.

I knew him from secondary school.

He was well known. For his moves. His passion.

He broke out dancing - to a Lady Gaga song in the middle of the parade square, at one of our school events. I was in awe of his bravery and passion. He was so good that the teachers decided to get him on stage and performed for everyone. We cheered. We laughed. We were all happy.

We graduated but kept in touch through Facebook. I learned that he kept having a bad headache and a ringing sound in his head. He soon lost his hearing ability. Can you imagine losing that? I can't.. And still he fought through. He kept smiling. Continued his passion in arts. Kept spreading love.

He tweeted me last year. During one of my darkest periods. I guess he saw my depressed tweets. He showed his support and told me to keep following my dreams. And that I shall.

And now he's gone.

Your art will live on.
In here somewhere.


Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Frank Ocean - In Here Somewhere

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