Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Heavy Love

Page 758

When you're really into someone.

But you know you don't stand a chance..

But you really just wanna be around that person as much as possible.

Cause you just feel so good around them.

Every little touch meant something.

The eye contacts.

The smiles and laughs.

The forward leaning.

The brushing of shoulders.

It's just heavy love..

Cause I know it will never go further than that.

And I should just let it be that way.

As I remain stuck,
in my forbidden fantasies.

Love, Eran.

Maybe you could pop a pill on my tongue..

Current Song Mood: Lea Michele - Heavy Love

Sailing on your sea, and I fell in
Don't know how to breathe, or how to swim
Blinded by the dream, I wanna sleep
What you give to me, is what I need

Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love
Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love

Underneath your sheets, I dissolve
Safely in your heat, never cold

Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love
Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love

Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love
Dear lover, put another pill upon my tongue
Forever, wrap me in your heavy love

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