Friday, April 3, 2020

Death Stranding

Page 1352

Saw an elderly couple pass by as I was heading home.

The old dude was complaining about a business closing.

And something about CPF not being able to be used.

He was pretty pissed off.

He had every reason to.


Finally it's come to this.

Singapore's going into partial lockdown.

Just when I was getting back into gymming and feeling more confident about myself.


But nah, I'm not going to complaint.

I actually saw this coming.

People out there are having it worst.

Businesses are dying. People are losing jobs. Losing homes.

My heart goes out to them, and I hope this lockdown will help alleviate the situation, rather than making things worse.

We have to be thankful, that our Government is constantly taking action, and be there for each other during these trying times.

Feels like death stranding.


But we have to get through this together.

We will.

Hold it.. together.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: CHVRCHES - Death Stranding

Let's make a toast to the damned
Waitin' for tomorrow
When we're played out by the band
Drowning out our sorrows
What will become of us now at the end of time?
We'll be fine, you and I
Let's draw a line in the sand
Keep it straight and narrow
We had it all in our hands
We begged and then we borrowed
What will become of us all at the end of love
When we've stopped looking up?

You can take my heart
And hold it together as we fall apart
Maybe together we can make a mark in the stars we embark
And keep us together as the lights go dark

Let's tell the truth, just for once
Asking for an answer
Now that it's all said and done
Nothing really matters
What will become of us all if we dare to dream
At the end of the scene?

You can take my heart
Hold it together as we fall apart
Maybe together we can make a mark in the stars we embark
And keep us together as the lights go dark

Let's open up to the sky
Ask it for closure
'Least we can say that we tried
But it's never really over
What will become of us all at the end of the line?
Will we live? Will we die?

You can take my heart
And hold it together as we fall apart
Maybe together we can make a mark in the stars we embark
And keep us together as the lights go dark
And you can take my heart
And hold it together as we fall apart
Maybe together we can make a mark in the stars we embark
And keep us together as the lights go dark

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