Monday, April 14, 2014


Page 54

Hey guys. Been a while! I'm currently staying over in my school's loft as I'm typing this hehe. Preparing for FOW camp for the next 3 days. Gonna be hectic but hey, its gonna be our last camp =) 

Selfies with mah girl. 

Sorry I haven't been blogging much. I really don't feel the need to. Been really enjoying my holidays for the past 2 weeks. Watching movies, going jogging, singing & recording my heart out at home. I got to do things that I wanted, that I didn't get to the last holidays I had. I don't wanna explain why but if you wanna know more you can read my old posts lol.

Basically nowadays I feel more in touch with myself. Yes, I feel like I'm being myself at its best. Although lonely at times. But happier.. much happier :)

Well gtg, gonna have a maggi party later hehe. CIAO.

Love, Eran.

There are times when I wish things didn't change so fast.. But everything happens for a reason. Everything will fall into place. Ps I love this song so much.  Support local talent y'all! It speaks to me. Its about me. :)

Current Song Mood: Daphne Khoo - Wonderland (acoustic)

I woke up without a friend 
I still see your silhouette 
frost on the mirror’s edge 

We’re a shadow in the light 
clutching to empty words we said 

Can we rewind 
Let's play pretend 
that we never felt the walls caving in 

baby can we 
breathe the love back into wonderland 
find the stuff that made you want to spend 
your life with me 
wish I could bring us back to 
early mornings, waking to your eyes 
falling slowly, back into the night 
just take my hand 
Back to wonderland 

I still see love in your eyes 
Your touch is still all that makes sense 
diffusing my defence 

our love, can we bring it back to 
your touch, can we bring it back to 
your smile, can we bring it back to

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