Sunday, June 29, 2014


Page 73

Things are calmer now. Guess its cause all the devils are tied up LOL. Mum's getting better from her fever & is in talking terms with Dad again, & I just completed the first day of fasting. Alhamdulillah. School's starting tomorrow and I can't wait to get it over with. I'm just not ready for school. Don't know what's up with me but I haven't really done much the past 2 weeks. Well I'm still gonna miss my holidays.

I miss you. You haven't contacted me for almost 3 days. You tweet about missing someone. Is it me? Or have you already found someone else? I don't know. I don't want to know. You don't seem to bother anymore. You won't even tell me your problems. I'm tired. I'm just really tired. I'm almost immune to the pain now. I'm used to it. 

I just want to breakaway.

Love, Eran.

Gonna go lay my body down.. 

Current Song Mood: Celine Dion - Breakaway

From the fire in your words

To the dagger in your eye
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
I pretend to be asleep
But I know you hear me cry
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down

But if I

Really want a change
Then I must admit
That I'm the one to blame

If I could break away

Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away

Is it true what people say

That it's darkest before dawn?
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down
Any hope we might have saved
Is too weak to let live on
I just have to lay my body down
Go and lay my body down

And if I

Really want a change
Then tonight I'm gonna need
All of my strength

If I could break away

Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away

Oh, anything is better than this

I know
Anything is better

If I could break away

Cut the cord
For worse or better
If I could turn the page
At last and say
Goodbye forever
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted

If I could break away

If I could turn the page
But on the other side
Of yesterday
Beyond the heartache
What if all I am
Without the pain
Is empty hearted
I could break away

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Page 72

Wanted to blog yesterday buuut, I was too tired & slept early ._.

A certain friend needed cheering up, so I went to hang out with him! Went to his house to play Dota2 *-* Hahaha I suck at it but we won the game so that made up for it! After the game, I passed him a gift that he'd always wanted, A Toothless plushie! Should've recorded the look on his face cause he was so happy haha! Damn cute. Like a small boy x)

We then met up with his friend, E, at Compass Point and had pizza for dinner. Had lots of talks & laughs. Oh & I found out that our birthdays were 1 day apart!! SO COOL. I ate 4 slices and I felt like exploding. ._. Lol… we walked around the mall for a while then parted ways with E. He then treated me to a choco milk tea drink :3 We sat under his block and chatted till like 10+. Tiring but I must say my 'last' day of holiday was well spent! With great company. :)

This morning was just… emotionally draining for me. Family issues. But oh wells, I'm sure it will work out.. It always does…

Ramadhan is here already, fasting starts tomorrow! Will be going to the mosque for terawih later at night.. Sighpie ;-; My laziness is kicking in lol. Lets hope I can remain holy throughout this whole month LOL.

Happy fasting my Muslim friends~ :)

Love, Eran.

Thank you for cheering me up.

Current Song Mood: Jennifer Lopez - Expertease

Boy you give me hungry eyes
You and I are doing it tonight
But I don’t wanna make you aware to give it
Boy you know you make me hot
My sweet spot is hitting the jackpot
You know that our bodies are made for sinning
And you know that you’re on fire, you’re on fire
And I’m on fire, I’m on fire
And we’re lit up, we’re lit up
Let’s rise
Yeah you know that you’re on fire, you’re on fire
And I’m on fire, I’m on fire
And we’re lit up, we’re lit up
Let’s rise

So come on baby ready set go
I wanna throw boy against the curb
Come on baby ready set go
Let my body be your world
Come on baby ready set go
Let me your expert
Come on baby ready set go
Ready set go
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease
And you know it
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease
An expert-tease

I’mma turn your body on
Cause a marathon begins with passion
And I don’t wanna wait another minute
We can do it standing up
Gonna feel my love one thing unites
You know that our bodies are made for sinning
And you know that you’re on fire, you’re on fire
And I’m on fire, I’m on fire
And we’re lit up, we’re lit up
Let’s rise
Yeah you know that you’re on fire, you’re on fire
And I’m on fire, I’m on fire
And we’re lit up, we’re lit up
Let’s rise
So come on baby ready set go
I wanna throw boy against the curb
Come on baby ready set go
Let my body be your world
Come on baby ready set go
Let me your expert
Come on baby ready set go
Ready set go
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease
And you know it
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease
An expert-tease

Tease you, make you burn for me
Love in the third degree
I’ll tease you, make you burn for me
Love in the third degree

So come on baby ready set go
I wanna throw boy against the curb
Come on baby ready set go
Let my body be your world
Come on baby ready set go
Let me your expert
Come on baby ready set go
Ready set go
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease
And you know it
Let me show my expertease
I’m an expertease

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Page 71

HELLOOOOO. I just came back from a 3 days 2 night stay at Sentosa Costa Sands Resort! Its been a tiring staycation filled with activities. *-*

I first met up with Ecah after taking the 963 bus (about 1 and a half hr journey) And we had breakfast while waiting for the rest to come. Turns out Harini didnt know we were supposed to meet at 12 ._. Haha, so by the time it was 12, it was only me, each, idah, and syah. I rarely come to Harbourfront and the last time I remember this place was during my primary school days. We then headed to Vivo City to meet up with the anjek and went grocery shopping. From there, we took the Sentosa Express to the last station and headed to the place where we were staying. It was a small hut with 4 beds, nothing grand, but it was comfy enough. :3

Selfies upon arrival.

We then changed into our swimming suits and went swimming in the nearby pool! After that, we went down to Siloso Beach, but then decided to go to Palawan Beach instead. There was a hugeee difference as Palawan Beach was cleaner and more 'happening'. We suntanned, played frisbee, and swam in the sea. =)

They said I looked like a lifeguard. ._.

Love the sky's reflection.

Our ugly feet HAHAHA



After swimming, we went back to wash up, get changed and met Nicky at Vivo City for dinner. By the time we walked back to Sentosa, it was nightfall. We did our FYP & Pharm projects in the hut while looking at the videos we took last week hahaha. Damn epic bloopers! Nicky then had to leave, and I took medication which knocked me out the whole night as I was still sick.

The second day, we got up and they were all complaining about each other's snores haha. Lucky I was dead asleep x) We bathed, had breakfast, then went to adventure cove!!! OMG IT WAS SO FUN. Even though I had cuts and bruises I still enjoyed it. Paired up and took the rides with my classmates & I shouted every time. ._. There was a part where we had to snorkel with saltwater fishes. While preparing our life jackets & scuba equipment, I was about to sit down, but I slipped and fell instantaneaously. LOL. So embarrassing, and I was the only one who had trouble with my equipment ._. After getting ready, everyone set off and I was like, the last one. The guy just pushed me off ._. And I panicked at first, but I ended up getting it for a while. For like.. less than a minute HAHA. Then I felt myself losing balance in water, which made me panic and saltwater started going in my mouth, so I pulled my fist out and a lifeguard came to save me (thank you kind soul ._.) Hehe. It was pretty cool! Wish I could go around some more. After that, we got tired of waiting for rides so we just chilled at the Adventure river with our life vests & tubes. Such a relaxing moment! There was a point in time where we formed a line together and just sailed down the river hahaha.


When you see it… *hint: look behind Harini* LOL.

It smiled for us!! ;)

Dat face ._.

After the whole day in Adventure Cove, we walked back to Siloso Beach, and went for the Skyline Luge. Let me just say, I am friggin terrified of heights. So when we took off, I was literally shakily grasping every handle, and putting my feet straight up cause I was wearing slippers and afraid that it would fall hahaha. There was a point where the ride suddenly stopped, and we found ourselves swinging. And it was so mother!@!#^%!&@ scary T_T.

It was beautiful. Beautifully scary.

All the smiles for the camera up in the air are fake. ;-;

After surviving the sky ride, we took our helmets and karts, and drove through the tracks. It was sooo fun!!! Hahaha Syah ended up getting stuck to the side x) After the rides, we went back to wash up. Then we went to have dinner at Mac, where we had intimate conversations. *winkwink*

After shower.

Mac for dinner!

After dinner, we went to a spot where we chilled for a while. Then Ecah & Syah went to buy ciggs while me, Ida & Harini stayed to plan the bashing. Haha, it was Ecah's birthday the next 2 days so we prepared a little surprise. ;)

Caught in the moment ;)

Like hantu.

Hahaha, look at how white she became! Didnt expect her to run so fast, and I tried to throw powder at her, but it ended up at Ida's face instead HAHAHA. It was fun, and we were all powdery and smelled good x)

Went back to wash up & we put on Harini's mask which was sooo cooling. Anti-stress effect! Damn cool. Then we went to watch a movie: RV. The rest decided they were sleepy halfway so it was left with me & Syah. I ended up watching the ending alone cause she was snoring away by then LOL. Slept at around 3+.


After the bash ._. (yes I had eyeliner on!! And I was wearing a headband haha.)

Our faces. It was so hard not to laugh HAHAHAH.

Am I pretty nao?

Syah so cute ._. Like Avatar hahaha.

My bae JoJo in RV!! And mini Josh Hutcherson!

Woke up the next day, showered, had breakfast, packed and we took the bus back to Vivo City. Then we decided… to catch The Fault In Our Stars!! *-* The movie was so sweet & cute… Sigh. Young love. They come & go so fast… I felt like the guy is like me.. always wanting to be remembered by others. To make an impact. Hais.

Okay? Okay.

So basically that was it! I napped the whole afternoon away till like.. 10+ ._. Damn tired. Well that's it for today. Been a wonderful staycation. =)


Love, Eran.

Our inappropriate theme song for this trip haha.

Current Song Mood: Jason Derulo Ft Snoop Dog - Wiggle

(Snoop Dogg)
Hey, yo, Jason
Oh yeah'
Say somethin' to her
Holla at her

I got one question
How do you fit all that in them jeans ?

You know what to do with that big fat butt
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Just a little bittle

Patty cake patty cake
With no hands
Got me in this club making wedding plans
If I take pictures while you do your dance
I can make you famous on Instagram
Hot damn it, ooh
Your booty like two planets ooh
Go head, and go ham sandwich
I can't stand it

Cause You know what to do with that big fat butt
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Just a little bittle

Cadillac, Cadillac, pop that trunk
Let's take a shot
Alley-oop that donk
Tired of working that 9 to 5
Oh baby let me come and change your life
Hot damn it ooh'
Your booty like two planets ooh'
Go head, and go ham sandwich
I can't stand it

Cause You know what to do with that big fat butt
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Just a little bittle

[Snoop Dogg:]
Shake what your mama gave you
Misbehave you
I just wanna strip you, dip you, flip you, bubble bathe you
What they do
Taste my rain drop, ok boo
Now what you're willing, what you wanting, what you may do
Completely seperated, til my deeply penetrated
Then I take I out, and wipe it off
Eat it, ate it, love it, hate it
Overstated, underrated, everywhere I been king
Can you wiggle, wiggle for the D, O, double G, again

Come on baby
Turn around, turn around, turn around
You're the star girl
Take a bow
It's just one thing that's killing me
How you fit that in them jeans?

You know what to do with that big fat butt
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle wiggle
Just a little bit

Now make it clap
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Now make it clap
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Make it clap
Now make it clap

Damn baby you got a bright future behind you