Thursday, June 12, 2014


Page 66

HELLO HELLOOOOO. Its been a heck of a week full of exams but now I'm finally done! *-* WOOOHOOO HOLIDAYS HAHAHAHA. Seriously was so happy during the last 10 mins of my paper today that I was smiling widely to myself. I hope no one saw it. ._.

Anyways, had a lot of fun going out with my classmates after each paper the past week (LOL). Feeling-feeling like as if the exams has ended.. we really went all out. To Geylang, Mustafa Centre, Peninsula, Jtown Cafe. I swear after each trip I can barely feel my legs because we spent half of the time walking around. Haha, but it was cool to see the city in an intimate way =) Im kinda getting more familiarised with my surroundings now hehe. Always love spending time with my crazy classmates. <3

Oh and uhh.. I JUST BOUGHT A NEW GUITAR. Hehehe. Will post a pic of it sometime. Right now I'm gonna name it Baby Blue. Because.. its blue? x) Hahaha. This holiday is gonna be funnn! =)

Love, Eran.
I don't know why.. whenever I come across your profile.. I still get butterflies. You're still on my mind.

Current Song Mood: Katy B - Still

You chose the simple life
My love was way too much for you to bear
And left our world to end right there
But I still hear you whispering my name
Surely there's a part unchanged
How could you be so far away
When I still see your face like it was only yesterday
And although you're out of sight
Would you still be the same if I was next to you tonight?

Still on my mind now, still
You still know how to make me feel
How come these wounds won't heal
You're still on my mind now, still

Now how could I compete
With something bigger than the both of us
Why were we not good enough
We gave it all and watched it burn away
But the ashes still remain
I wonder what it is you say
When you close your eyes, what do you ask for when you pray
What do you need to sooth your soul
Why can't I find something else to make sense of it all

Still on my mind now, still
You still know how to make me feel
How come these wounds won't heal
You're still on my mind now,

I can't let go, don't wanna let go
I can't let go, don't wanna let go

Still on my mind now, still
You still know how to make me feel
How come these wounds won't heal?
You still have the power
Still, when we walked away
I thought we'd fade to gray
Thinking if you feel the same
If I don't want to heal
Why won't this heart beat still?
You're still on my mind now, still
You're still on my mind now, still

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