Friday, October 31, 2014


Page 121


Today was another slacked day. Idk why but Project P has been so relaxed tbh. Haha, probably will get more hectic next week. Kept disturbing Ryan the whole day by tickling him, and he'll jump around helplessly. HAHAHA. So much fun, I'm so going to miss them.

We all looked so priddy here!! *-*

After class me and the girls got changed, and we went to Hogwarts to meet the rest for Halloween.

Pedo face hohoho.

Hung out with my faves. Including one and only GF!!! <3

''Feed me more!!'' HAHAHA. ;)


Went to Block 5, bought our tickets and waited for like.. 2 hours. Uhh. We sat down in a circle and played games to kill time. So embarrassing around all those people HAHA but we didnt care ;) We split ourselves into two groups - mine had myself, GF, Tomei, Cougar, YX and Amsyar.

Photobombed ah. .-.

Hahaha, then the 'fun' began. Went up to the 3rd floor and was greeted by mimes. We then entered through the dark corridor, and went to the first room. It was super chilly and I was shivering instantly. The video was really well done I must say! Impressive.

The second room had a fortune teller. Must admit, her acting was on point. :) But.. too much talking!
3rd room was a dark room, where we had to find cards in the dark. We were so lost!! Haha.
4th room was filled with 'little girls' calling out 'Mummy?' in their cutie patootie voices. LOL. There was a point where we were all surrounded by them. ._.
5th room had a dead clown, and lots of balls around. Like… srsly. We had no clue what to do in the room. The last room was pretty cool. There was this dude in a joker mask. And he lit it up. Like.. woah. Pretty creepy cool hahaha. Then this tall dude wraps his arm around my shoulder as I exited the room. I couldn't recognise who it was, but I'm pretty sure of who it is now… *stares at Cougar* ;)

That was that. Pretty sure it lasted barely 10-15 minutes. We were complaining about the lack of storyline and objectives, but I really applaud my juniors for their effort! The props, videos and acting were cool. :) It's nice to be the one enjoying the event this time round.


Not sure if I've mentioned this. This time last year, I was running the Halloween event with my EXCOs at block 50. And at that time, someone significant unexpectedly texted me. The moment where things changed for me.. 

November. The month where it all started.

Love, Eran.

Memories of you were suddenly haunting me today. Familiar visions & feelings, flashed quickly inside of me.
What goes up, goes around, ghosts around.

Current Song Mood: Beyonce - Haunted

[Intro: Presenter]
The winner is
Beyonce Knowles female pop vocalist!

[Intro: Beyonce]
I would like to thank the judges for picking me
My parents who I love
I love you Houston

Part 1 - Ghost:
[Verse 1: Beyonce]
And I've been drifting off on knowledge
Cat-calls on cat-walks, man these women getting solemn
I could sing a song for a Solomon or Salamander
We took a flight at midnight and now my mind can't help but wander: how come?
Spoon-fed pluralized eyes to find the beaches in the forest
When I'm looking off the edge, I preach my gut it can't help but ignore it
I'm climbing up the walls cause all the shit I hear is boring
All the shit I do is boring, all these record labels boring
I don't trust these record labels, I'm touring

All these people on the planet
Working 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
All the people on the planet
Working 9 to 5 just to stay alive
How come?

What goes up, goes around
Goes around around around around
What goes up, goes around
Goes around around around around

Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und
Ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und ah-rou-ou-und

Soul not for sale
Probably won't make no money off this, oh well
Reap what you sow
Perfection is so..

Part 2 - Haunted:
[Verse: 2]
It's what you do
It's what you see
I know if I'm haunting you
You must be haunting me

It's where we go
It's where we'll be
I know if I'm onto you, I'm onto you
Onto you, you must be onto me

My heart it lulls
Ghost in the sheets
I know if I'm haunting you
You must be haunting me

My wicked tongue
Where will it be
I know if I'm onto you
I'm onto you
Onto you, I'm onto you
Onto you, you must be onto me

You want me? I walk down the hallway
You're lucky, the bedroom's my runway
Slap me! I'm pinned to the doorway
Kiss, bite, foreplay

[Verse: 3]
My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets
I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
My wicked tongue, where will it be?
I know if I'm onto you, you must be onto me
It's what we see
I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me
It's where we go, it's where we'll be
I know if I'm onto you, I'm onto you
Onto you, I'm onto you
Onto you, you must be onto me

You must be onto me (onto you, I'm onto you)
You must be onto me (onto you, I'm onto you)
You must be onto me (onto you, I'm onto you)
You must be onto me (onto you, I'm onto you)

Me (onto you, I'm onto you)
Me (onto you, I'm onto you)
Me (onto you, I'm onto you)
Me (onto you, I'm onto you)
Me (onto you, I'm onto you)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I To You

Page 120

Literally dragged myself to sch today lol. Went to meet Tomei who was late too hahah. Had pharm lessons ALL THE WAY today because of our test tomorrow. Let me tell you, by the end of the day, my brain was fried. LULZ.

My *kill me* face.

Hi boy.


Haha so much fun with them around. And that super awkward moment that I shall not mention here.. OMG.

Looking forward for tomorrow! Goodnight xx.

Lately there's been more greater problems than my stupid love life. I can't let it affect me.. Not now.

Love, Eran

What am I to you?!
Just tell me...

Current Song Mood: Leona Lewis - I To You

Our love had a stench,
Even if you didn't ask,
I would never say a word about it.
Now I stay home with the kids,
Everyday cleaning up where you live,
Even though I'm educated

'Cause you are great, you are big,
And I don't mind giving in, giving in,
For free, for free
You are love, you are sin,
You'll always be everything, everything,
To me, to me

What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Don't tell me, don't kill me now.
What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Just keep me, and I won't make a sound.

Wouldn't tell anyone about your fears,
'Bout your friends, 'bout the life that I miss
'Cause to me you are the greatest.
I would run, I would jump, I would fall,
Just to make sure baby's got it all,
But to them I can't explain it.

You are great, you are big
And I don't mind giving in, giving in
For free, for free.
You are love, you are sin
You'll always be everything, everything
To me, to me.

What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Don't tell me, don't kill me now.
What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Just keep me, and I won't make a sound.

What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Just kiss me as you lay me down,
What am I to you?
What am I to you?
Don't tell me, don't kill me now.
Don't kill me now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

To Love & Die

Page 119

Heyyy. School was meh today.

Started off with getting lost. LOL. What's a Year 3 doing getting lost right? Haha. Turns out my venue was a new block. Soo ok la, got excused. The lecturer taking us was my CF from my CDC attachment back in March. =) So it was pretty lepak.

Struggled through the morning with pharm, had lunch at SIM, then had another lesson on intubation. Swear our skills are so rusty now LOL. How long have I not touch this shiz?! Ugh. Haha. Had a mini lepak sesh after my group was done.

Tomei was literally crushing the life out of me T_T

So chaotic just now with Ryan's hilarious stories. HAHAHA. LOVE THEM!! <3

The last lesson was taken over temporarily by this female lecturer, which I head lots of 'stories' about. Turns out she was pretty okaaay, and she taught really well imo. :)

Well that was it for today. Everyone was like, complaining about muscle cramps HAHA. Lucky I exercised a few days before, so my cramps are tolerable. :)

Halfway through the week guys!

Love, Eran.

I still think of you.Talk to me.. please.

Current Song Mood: Jhene Aiko - To Love & Die

Tooted and booted, I've been hit by cupid
I'm being recruited
I'm ready for more
I'm ready for war
Hold your position
Load up ammunition
I won't fail this mission
Cause baby I'm yours, ohh

Cause where I'm from
We live by the love
Die by the love
We live for the love
Die for the love
Yeah I live for your love
Die for your love

Now many men
Many, many, many, many men
Wish death upon me
Have mercy on me
Cause I'm just a prisoner of your army of one
But I'll fight till the death or until your heart is won

Cause where I'm from
We live for the love
Die for the love
We live by the love
Die by the love
I live for your love
Die for your love

Which side
This side
You should switch sides
I'm not acting like a bitch side by the way
You need to switch sides right away, oh
Love side, hate side
Never in between
That's what we stand for
Y'all fall for anything
West side, west side, by the way
Live forever for love or you can die today

Cause where I'm from
We live by the love
Die by the love
Oh yeah
We live for the love
Die for the love
Yeah I live for your love
Die for your love

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Running On Empty

Page 118

Today was the most dreaded day for me. Omg.

Had talks from universities in my school. Everyone seems like.. so interested to know about their future while I'm just sitting there, not knowing where I want to go. I know I should think far but still.. I can't seem to choose what to do.

Ugh. Had lunch, then had… Pharmaco revision. T_T. For bout 3-4 hours straight.. Just kill me. I was so restless I wanted to scream HAHA. It was really cold and GF kept touching me to steal my warmth ._. I so hot la kan. LOL. Ended up we used Tagged, and bitched about every annoying face that came up HAHAHA.

Hais I was telling her how I deserve so much better. I REALLY DO. T_T.

By the time school ended, we hurried to poolside to change and get ready for napfa test. Ugh.
Haha so funny, Ryan led the warm-up exercises. :P Then this really big fit guy came and we were like.. 'If he's our instructor, we're so dead'. LOL. He looked so scary okay. ._.

Took our cue numbers and were split into groups. The guys were all together of course.

First was sit and reach. I totally forgot how to put on the strap. LOL. I looked like an idiot la. Somemore the machine was rusty and faulty. So when I pushed, it wouldn't move. Haha. Damn paiseh. #BadLuckEran

Second was sit ups. Totally aced this one. With the help of someone. ;)

Third was shuttle run. I barely made it LOL. Couldn't even be bothered to re-try.

Fourth was.. pull ups. My most dreaded station.There was this dude who aced it like it was NOTHING. Omg. He did the same with the other stations too. Salute la. I could barely do 3 haha. But they were all supportive :)

Fifth was standing broad jump. As usual, I couldn't even get pass 200. But pretty glad that my second attempt was MUCH better than my first. HAHA.

Last was the 2.4km run. The stadium was being renovated, so we had to go all the way to the field near the Loft. 10 rounds. Ugh. Totally pushed myself and got about 13 minutes+. Sadly not enough to pass of course. But at least I tried my best. :)

A quick selfie before our run! ;)
I'm so short. ._.

Haha.. Tbh I don't really care how the results would affect my ns life. Whatever happens, happens. *shrugs* Not gonna re-take cause.. Lets just say I know myself well enough haha.

Ended the day with supper at Al-Azhar with my fave ladies. :)


So tired now. Gonna rest early, goodnight! :D

Love, Eran.

I'm running on empty without you.

Current Song Mood: JoJo - Running On Empty

(Not Too Loud)

I'ma PYT with an attitude
Sometimes I rebound from what I'm supposed to do
But when your love conquered my heart
I know I had to have you, all of the time

See I've been gone for a while now, there's nothing I can't take
The Miles keep us away (my bell)
without you I'm running out of energy
I want you here with me
And baby without you I'm stalling on this road alone
When I'm gone too long I'm running on Empty without you
I'm going without cause I'm running on E
And yes I know this effect baby I'm running on empty without u

Choose the game I'm telling you
Boy in your eyes I saw the truth
Cause It was just so right
And now that I got you, I know what was missing in my life

See I've been gone for a while now, there's nothing I can't take

The miles keep us away (my bell)
without you I'm running out of energy
I want you here with me
And baby without you I'm stalling on this road alone
When I'm gone too long I'm running on Empty without you
I'm going without cause I'm running on E
And yes I know this effect baby I'm running on empty without you

It's uncontrollable, I get emotional what more can I say
like a coffee with cream you compliment me
And I never want to be too far away

without you I'm running out of energy
I want you here with me
And baby without you I'm stalling on this road alone
When I'm gone too long I'm running on empty without you
I'm going without cause I'm running on e
And yes I know this effect baby I'm running on empty without you

Monday, October 27, 2014

Time For Love

Page 117


Greetings! Had a pretty awesome day today hahaha. Not because of school, but because of the people around me :)

Went to school in my uni today for the first time. Lol. Felt uncomfortable at first but then.. I'm like, whatever. *Judge me all you want*  >:o

Took the shuttle bus then met the gang at Munch. Then we went up to Music Box where there was like a sea of nurses ._. And I literally could point out Ryan cause he was so tall HAHAHA. So me and Gf went to chat with him, then we went into the LT.


Love them <3


GF tryna stand out.. ._. Apparently I was sulking behind her LOL.

Selfies with GF :3

LOOK AT HER TRIPLE CHIN HAHAHA. This never gets old. <3

These 2 were judging & bitching bout people non-stop the whole day HAHAHA. Okay me too la xD

Care for dessert? ;)


Abang SCDF giving a talk. ;) 

Idk what was happening here HAHAHA.

So the whole day was just full of talks, from introduction of our modules, to nurses promoting their hospitals, and a certain person promoting how good her Sister was. LOL. #irrelevant

It was nice to be in school again. I've missed it tbh. It was good to see so many familiar faces again. Too bad there were faces I didnt wanna see too LOL. But still, I'm gonna cherish these final moments. Seriously, graduation feels so near. I felt like shedding a tear or two.

Hais. Not gonna look forward to tomorrow though. Cause of.. Napfa. ._. Kill me.

Feeling sleepy right now. Ciao!
Love, Eran

Do what you like. Do it tonight.

Current Song Mood: Chris Brown - Time For Love

Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah

This may be my last time
So I'mma do whatever
This may be my last chance
For me and you together
I can be your honeycomb
And we can fly together
You're so sweet, I taste it baby
I just, I just

I wanna see you putting it together like a number
Multiply the times we done took it, our love
But maybe, we should just add up our love
I know you heard, your kiss drives me crazy, babe
We don't have to fake this shit when we're loving
'Cause the other ones got it and they be lying about it
Can't live a day in the life
Just do what you you like

Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Come on baby, it's your world I wanna live in
And I'm loving this feeling
Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Just like that, girl I know you like that
And we only got time to love

This won't be my last chance
So I'mma do whatever
It takes to get you out of here
So I'ma be smooth and clever
Let me get in your comfort zone
Girl we can move together
Spinning 'round, I got you baby
I just, I just

I wanna see you putting it together like a number
Multiply the times we done took it, our love
But maybe, we should just add up our love
I know you heard, your kiss drives me crazy, babe
We don't have to fake this shit when we're loving
'Cause the other ones got it and they be lying about it
Can't live a day in the life
Just do what you you like

Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Come on baby, it's your world I wanna live in
And I'm loving this feeling
Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Just like that, girl I know you like that
And we only got time to love

Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Come on baby, it's your world I wanna live in
And I'm loving this feeling

Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Just like that, girl I know you like that
And we only got time to love

Said we only got time (we only got time to love)
We, we only got time (we only got time to love)
To love, to love (and we only got time to love)

Said we got time
Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Come on baby, it's your world I wanna live in
And I'm loving this feeling
Do what you like (baby)
Do what you like (baby)
Do what you like
Just like that, girl I know you like that
And we only got time to love

Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Come on baby, it's your world I wanna live in
And I'm loving this feeling
Do what you like
Do what you like
Do it tonight
Just like that, girl I know you like that
And we only got time for love

Yeah, time to love
Said we only got time to love
Said we only got time to love