Monday, December 2, 2019


Page 1279

Home sweet home.

Just unpacked all my shit.

No joke man.

Not sure how to fit all these clothes in my closet hahaha.

And that's just the surface.

This jet lag is killing me too.

Had a migraine throughout my flight

At least I managed to get some sleep.

Looking back, it's been a really memorable trip.

It was smooth.. Like as if someone was looking out for us.

I can't explain it.

A hopeful beginning to many more.

I am really thankful for everything.


But now, it's back to reality.

Gonna focus on getting my shit together this month of December.

Decisions that could change my life in 2020.

Lets do this.

Gotta sleep this headache off,


Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: San Holo Ft Caspian - Surface

Slow down
You're racing ahead
Drown out
The words that they said
Won't you
Come up for air
When you surface I'll be right here

Slow down
You're racing ahead
Drown out
The words that they said
Won't you
Come up for air
When you surface I'll be right here

When you surface I'll be right here

Slow down
You're racing ahead
Drown out
The words that they said
Won't you
Come up for air
When you surface I'll be right here

Slow down
You're racing ahead
Drown out
The words that they said
Won't you
Come up for air
When you surface I'll be right here

When you surface I'll be right here

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