Monday, January 11, 2021

On The Nature Of Daylight

 Page 1480

Been back and forth to clinics for my dental appointments today.

After a tiring day, I found myself walking to a significant park nearby.

The weather, just as I remembered it.

With the nature of daylight nowhere to be seen, it was dark & gloomy.

And slightly drizzling.

So many things.. have changed since. 

As I walked around the park, and past the playground.

I time-walked through it.

Those flashbacks.

Funny, they do not affect me anymore.

But I figured it was fine for me to just revisit.

I took a deep breathe of fresh air and soaked in the moment.

And went home to sleep the rest of the day away.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight 

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