Sunday, February 14, 2021

Morning Mourning

 Page 1492

Happy Valentines Day :)

Celebrated today with my partner after such an eventful shift.

And had Prosperity Burger meal. Damn.

Is it me or did it shrink?? Haha hais.

Also yes, I had to work on a Sunday.

And yes, it was a shitty shift as usual.

The solid morning team and the prosperity received from the patients made it worth it though.

On a side note,

My heart goes out to those who's lost their loved ones.

There's been too many tragic accidents lately...

Involving car crashes and such.

Me and my mentor drove home today and had quite a discussion.

That we could never bear to watch the video. Or read the news.

It reminded us too much of our own trauma.

What happened to us was beyond words.

And I can only imagine the trauma felt by those young people and those at the scene...

Just please respect them and give them space to mourn.

Because honestly, it could've happened to anyone.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Lemolo - Morning Mourning 

Put it on my windowpane
I'll see it in the morning mourning
I'll go against all of my wood grain
And see it in the morning mourning
We're hardly asking of all the ways I'm wasting
I have this restlessness inside me
Put it on my windowpane
See it in the morning mourning
I'll run around my hall of fame
And see it in the morning mourning
It's stage dives, bright eyes, I want at my side
Head over heels, that's how I want to feel

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