Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Hope List

 Page 1493

Been a little quiet lately.

I'm fine, just been.. living in the moment.

Especially having all this time for myself.

It was a nice change of pace.

Doing my own thing. Gaming. Catching up with old friends. Spending time with my partner. And just.. living.

Time passed so fast.

Too fast.

I hate that feeling of having to go to work the next day, after having some time off. Haha.


I don't wanna overthink anything..

Or feel hopeless over things I cant control.

Getting a little too tired of that.

Gotta face it somehow.

And just.. go with the flow.

A hope list to follow.

And just.. working towards the future.


That will do.

For now.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Lonely The Brave - The Hope List

Will all my songs reveal my pain?
It's such a shame, it's just a game
Will anyone still listen then?
It's such a game, I lose again

But now and then I
Oh now and then I listen

While I lie awake I
While I lie awake I
Let the bitterness in
I lie awake I
While I lie awake I
Let the bitterness in

It's not my view, then shame on you
It's just the way, oh such a crooked game
I hold out hope for everyone

While I lie awake I
While I lie awake I
Let the bitterness in
I lie awake I
While I lie awake I
Let the bitterness in

Watch me ride it out now
Instead I write it all down
This is me hopeless
Watch me ride it out now
Instead I write it all down
This is my, this is my hope list

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