Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Page 133

Today was definitely better than yesterday. Lmao.

Got out of house earlier than usual cause I had to travel all the way to Lavender to collect my new passport. Man, the crowd was SO horrible. Felt so claustrophobic. Anyways, collected my passport, then went to take the bus from Tampines to work (my first time). It was so peaceful..

I reached early aaaand, decided to have prata at the nearby mamak stall. Niceeee. Kinda felt weird being alone. But there was this sort of.. comfort. Went for break alone too. Didnt know where all the foreigners went lmao.. Oh well. I could get used to this. Work was pretty okay today. I'm used to the weird routine already. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Iris (one of my colleagues) was judging me so hard today HAHA. My crazy side was back. Speaking of crazy, I really miss Ryan ._. and all my burden friends <3 HAHA, the craziest moments are with them. :')

Lucky the staff I worked with today are nice and sociable :) Though they really took advantage of me. ._. Sheesh.

Ugh. I just can't wait for this posting to be done. Halfway through the week!
Have a good rest. xx

Love, Eran

But half of me is half of you..
I wonder why I let you go..

Current Song Mood: HalfNoise - Mountain

The first steps I took when I was younger
They fell to the ground
I waited so long, I finally went

But half of me is half of you
I runaway so you would know
And half of me is half of you
I wanna know where to go

You're everything I left behind
You're everything that I can't find
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts

Feel so cold and you saw rushing
It's the battle you fell when you saw me blowing

But half of me is half of you
I runaway so you would know
And half of me is half of you
I wonder why I let you go

You're everything I left behind
You're everything that I can't find
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts

Half of me is half of you
I wanna know
If half of me is half of you

You're everything I left behind
You're everything that I can't find
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts
It's a mountain in the hole, mountain in our hearts

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