Thursday, July 16, 2015

a beautiful exit

Page 358

So Ramadhan has officially left us.

I have like mixed feelings about it. It's the only time where I feel in touch with my spiritual self. Seriously.

I love how bonded the community feels. From solat terawih, to Geylang bazaars. It feels so lively. I'm gonna miss that.

It wasn't easy though, fasting has been smooth, but there were challenges faced definitely (falling sick on the first few days, working, controlling the urge to cry etc) haha.
Proud that I've managed to complete it fully.
And I believe I've done a pretty good job this year. Better than last year at least.

Don't know why I feel so semangat to raya this year.
I guess its because you are too..
Or maybe because I don't have much time left….

It's a beautiful exit.

Goodbye Ramadhan.
Until we meet again next year.

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir & Batin. 



Been so annoyed today cause it seems like you're purposely trying to piss me off.
But hey, I'm happy that you're having fun over there with your family. 

Love, Eran.

Come back fast.

Current Song Mood: Miguel - a beautiful exit

[News Reporter:] We begin with breaking news here at 5 O' clock of...

Don't ever sell yourself short, sell your sad things
Accept the new, don't mingle on the past
Believe yourself, trust your intuition
You're here for a reason, you know

Speeding through all of these red lights, fast life
Dreaming a beautiful exit
We're gonna die young
Speeding through all of these red lights, fast life
Dreaming a beautiful exit
We're gonna die young

Ignore the planned conventions of society
The muted world, doesn't dream in colors
No fear, no shame, wildhearts can't be broken
You're here for a reason, you know

Speeding through all of these red lights, fast life
Dreaming a beautiful exit
We're gonna die young
Speeding through all of these red lights, fast life
Dreaming a beautiful exit
We're gonna die young, we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young, we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young

All our problems were so extra small to astronauts
You can ditch the tangled patterns known by your parents
Sleep make me your only chance to rule yourself
You're here for a reason, you know

[News Reporter:] Gonna continue, really has no other choice but to just keep riding

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