Monday, July 27, 2015

Addicted To A Memory

Page 368

'If you let go, would you lose anything? Minus the emotions. Put them aside.'

'I guess… No.'

'Well there you go.'


Met up with GF today. Hehehe. Someone's been notty ehhh in the office.

Hahaha it felt good to see her again. Chilled at her workplace before I went for work. Lepak, chatted with her fiancé and we ordered Pastamania!

I was pretty stressed out but the view and the cool breeze made me calm again.

Riri was late as usual hahaha this girl. Got to hug her before I left. :)

It was a short meet up but I definitely appreciated it. It's good to know there's still people who are there for me. And support me.

With all that has happened..

Their views and opinions makes me feel better.

Lately I've been reminiscing a lot.

I miss the good times.

I miss the weekly hangouts. Over your house.

The kisses. The cuddles. The teasings.

The warm fuzzy feeling I get when I'm snuggled in your arms.

I miss everything.

Everything I do, reminds me of you.

You affect me in more ways than I expected.

Will tomorrow finally be the day?

To finally experience it all again?

I'm looking forward.

Not sure if you are.

I'm not sure of anything anymore.

I guess I'm just addicted to the memory.

I guess i'm just addicted to you.

Love, Eran.

Remember that time when you said 'I don't remember singing this?!' 
And I bursted out laughing.

Current Song Mood: Zedd Ft Bahari - Addicted To A Memory

We are, we are revolving chemistry
Love has taken us as far as we can reach
But I can't leave
We are, we are, imagine ecstasy
Holding on to what we used to be
Addicted to a memory
Holding on to what we used to be
Addicted to a memory
Oh, memory

We are, we are in-love enemies
We are sentimental slaves on broken knees
We're on empty
We were, we were one identity
Now the trouble is remembering
Addicted to a memory

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