Friday, May 1, 2015

Dead Inside

Page 292

Feeling dead inside.

I can see that you're perfectly okay without me.

Even though I offered my time to you today..

Oh wells. Got a lot of other stuff to focus on.

Went for prayers today and somebody touched my hair.

I looked up and it was my cousin. HAHAHA. Fancy meeting him!
We had a nice chat. And he gave me lots of advices for my future.
Thanks man! :) 

In other news, it's finally MAY!!!!
So many things to look forward to this month.
My graduation trip. My next Mixtape release (new covers yey). And my Graduation.

I can't wait.


Love, Eran.

Draw me to your holiness. Please.

Current Song Mood: Muse - Dead Inside

Dead inside!

Revere a million prayers
And draw me into your holiness
But there's nothing there
Light only shines from those who share

Unleash a million drones
And confine me then erase me babe
Do you have no soul
It's like it died long ago

Your lips feel warm to the touch
You can bring me back to life
On the outside you're ablaze and alive
But you're dead inside

You're free to touch the sky
Whilst I am crushed and pulverised
Because you need control
Now I'm the one who's letting go

You like to give an inch
Whilst I am giving infinity
But now I've got nothing left
You have no cares and I'm bereft

Your skin feels warm to caress
I see magic in your eyes
On the outside you're ablaze and alive
But you're dead inside!

Feel me now 
Hold me please
I need you to see who I am
Open up to me 
Stop hiding from me
It's hurting babe
Only you can stop the pain

Don't leave me out in the cold
Don't leave me out to die
I gave you everything
I can't give you anymore
Now I've become just like you

My lips feel warm to the touch
My words seem so alive
My skin is warm to caress
I'll control and hypnotise

You've taught me to lie
Without a trace
And to kill with no remorse
On the outside I'm the greatest guy
Now I'm dead inside!

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