Sunday, December 1, 2013

Back To December


I'm back. After several years away I'm finally picking up blogging again. It's been a good break these couple of years. I've grown so much. Experienced so many new things. Especially this year, being 18 and all. 

That being said, it's finally December again! Which means.. the year is ending soon! Wow.. Where did time go. I'm left with one more semester of Year 2, and then I'll be in my final year in Poly! It feels like only yesterday when I just graduated from Secondary School. Being in Poly really changed my life. It changed me. Especially in this course, I've met so many people. Made so many new friends. All shaping me to who I am today. I could never be more grateful. :)

I'm looking forward to sharing more of my life experiences again through this platform. :-) Happy First of December everybody.. Lets make it memorable. 

Love, Eran.

Current song mood: Taylor Swift - Back To December

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