Monday, December 2, 2013

Make You Feel My Love


I know. I know exactly how it feels. How it feels like waiting forever, just for that special person to come back. It hurts so bad. There's so much pain. Like your heart is bleeding profusely, non-stop. Every single day, you wake up feeling empty. Feeling fucking miserable. Feeling like you're missing something.. Something so important in your life. You feel like you're losing yourself. You feel like not doing anything. You feel like just curling up in a ball, lying on the bed, under your blankets, in the dark, doing nothing. Nothing but feel grief & sadness. And yet you hope. You still hope that this person will come back. Come back and talk to you, make you feel better, make you feel like YOU again. Just like old times. But no. You realise the cold hard truth. And it hits you hard right where your heart is beating. Because you know it's never going to happen again.

Pain is part of growth and experience in life. Pain is inevitable. Pain is temporary. It gets betterI want you to know that I understand. I want you to know that I'll be there for you. You can talk to me about anything. God placed me in your life for a reason. And I believe you're a reason in mine. Even if you choose to walk away from me… I'll always be right there. 
Love, Eran

Current song mood: Glee - Make You Feel My Love

You Know there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

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