Tuesday, December 10, 2013


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Yay finally going out tomorrow! Can't waittt. :) Bout time I enjoy myself. Holidays were supposed to be exciting but now its just a bore. Had a nice heart to heart talk with GF today hahaha. THIS is why I love her: 

Laughed so hard at this hahaha. But she speaks the TRUTH. ._.

Anyway Lea Michele's new single just came out and I'm loving how Sia-influenced it is  (duh, she's the writer). Take a listen! Can't wait for her album next year.. Love & peace out yo. xo.

Love, Eran.

Current Song Mood: Lea Michele - Cannonball

Break it down
I was scared to death I was losing my mind
Break it down
I gotta get out into the world again

And now I will start living today
Today, today I close the door
I got this new beginning and I will fly
I’ll fly like a cannonball

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