Sunday, December 21, 2014

Why Try

Page 169

Happy Birthday Nadz!

Went to have a meet-up with my Kukubandungs today for Nadz's birthday party. Except it was only 3/4 of us since JY had work :( Anyways, met up with Gaya first at Sembawang. Haha, it's been a while since I last saw her and she's still as anjek as ever. :p 

She was carrying lots of bags and I was like.. woah. Like as if she just went christmas shopping HAHAHA. It looked like a lot of presents, but tbh it was just the packaging/bag that was big. HAHA. Gaya was as usual, talking all the way about how she got about getting the presents. Lmao.. We walked to the bus interchange to take 859, and there were like… 3 859 stations. LOL! We were like.. 'Omg.. which one to take?!' HAHA. We ended up just taking any bus that came, and reached anyway. 

Gaya pls xD

Gaya: 'I look like a horse!!!'

She insisted on using Camera 360, so here it is.

We walked to find her block and I was so confident that it was the right one. Gaya being ocd, she started asking me for pen cause she wanted to write a note on her presents like I did. Hahaha ._. Got up to Nadz's level and we walked one big round. 'Like jungle sia.' Gaya said as we walked past a bunch of  flower pots. It was really like a maze. We walked from one end to another, and then I realised… we got the wrong block. HAHAHA.

'WHAT? You never die before issit?' Gaya kept on complaining HAHAHA. I swear I missed her drama. We walked to the right block this time, and we got really nervous once we found her house cause there were SO MANY SHOES outside. She bring the whole kampong issit. ._. We awkwardly stepped inside and waited for her while she took forever to wash her hands. 7-steps hand-wash issit? 

We wished her, passed her the presents and she suddenly said: 'Eh, wait, my mouth smelly I need to go brush my teeth.' Lmao this girl. As we waited for her, me and Gaya started bitching. There was a handrail installed outside her toilet. 'That one for you issit? Cause you getting old ah?' We said to Nadz HAHA. Secute la. We then awkwardly took the food and sat near her house entrance to eat, along with a poly friend and her bf. Nadz came to entertain us for a while. I'm so amazed at her one liners and Gaya's instant replies with straight faces on. HAHA. I swear I was bursting out laughing every single time. I miss this xD Soon, more poly friends came, including Sofia!! Me and Gaya also did some bitching on Whatsapp HAHAHA about someone. Shhh.

Anyways, soon it was cutting cake time. The birthday girl had like… 3 CAKES. WHUT. HAHA. 
Everybody sang like.. 3 times. For diff people. #TypicalMalays.  Me and Gaya were like.. 'Eh my birthday next year, sing for me too'! LULZ.

After eating the cake (yummy btw) we decided to go off. Met the Burden outside to snap a few pics.

She and her balloon… LOL.

Nadz pls xD

Kukubandungs reunited!

Gaya then decided to leave me behind. ._. Lucky I got in the lift HAHAHA. She wanted to avoid some *ahem* people. So funny this girl.

On my way home, me and Gaya were so engrossed in talking that we didnt realise we were walking away from the bus stop HAHAHA. Oh myyy. We talked about her love life and I felt bad for her. Cheer up babe. Love can be so painful when it's unrequited, but sometimes you just gotta be happy for that special someone. I mean… why hurt yourself right?

Why try?

Love, Eran.

I'm in love with the pain.

Current Song Mood: Ariana Grande - Why Try

I've been living with devils and angels, angels, angels
Realize you and I are in the same boat, same boat, yeah
Kills me, how you love me then you
Cut me down, I'll do the same
We've been living like angels and devils, devils

I'm loving the pain
I never wanna live without it
So why do we try?
You drive me insane
Now we're screaming just to see who's louder
So why do we try?

You got me like (na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na) (oh, yeah)

You and I redefine being lovesick, lovesick, lovesick
Through it all, you could still make my heart skip, heart skip, oh yeah
Even when you're yelling at me
I still think you're beautiful
Through it all you could still make my heart skip, heart skip

I'm loving the pain
I never wanna live without it
So why do we try?
You drive me insane
Now we're screaming just to see who's louder
So why do we try?
You got me like (na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na)

Oh baby, look at us
We been living like angels, living like devils
Oh baby, look at us
We been loving like angels, loving like devils
Oh baby, look at us
We been living like angels, living like devils
Oh baby, look at us
We been loving like angels, loving like devils, oh baby, look

I'm loving the pain
I never wanna live without it
So why do we try? (do we try)
You drive me insane
Now we're screaming just to see who's louder
So why do we try?

You got me like (na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na)

Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na

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